Monday, May 9, 2011


If I had a poodle
I think I would call it Paul
He would be big and white
And he would come when I call

If Paul was my poodle
Then he would play with me
Catch or tag or maybe baseball
Soccer and ultimate frisbee

If Paul was strong enough
He would let me ride on his back
I can be the cowboy and he's my horse
Faster than a lightning crack

If Paul gets tired though
Then we can just lie under a tree
He can sleep on the grass
And I can on his tummy

And when Paul gets hungry
I promise I'll buy him meat
I can toss it high into the air
And to eat he'd jump off his feet

If Paul and I got bored one day
And we wanted to travel around
We can camp in the forest together
And be secret agents, moving without sound

If Paul got old and tired though
I would help him get to places
He can be the cowboy and I'm his horse
And we would still win races

If that was a real dog
It would be the best poodle ever
Paul and I would be best friends
Forever and ever and ever