Sunday, November 10, 2013

NaNoWriMo Day 10

We're in week 2! I've heard/read a lot about the dreaded week 2, when the novelty of your story wears off and now you're heading towards murky waters. Here we go!

So far I've been keeping myself on track. I got through most of my outline I made in October of how the story was going to being and the adventures they go on -- but now I actually need to develop the story and the characters. I know what the ending is, so it's just getting the characters to that place now. I want to write a believable and gradual transformation in my main character, so that's taking a good chunk of my daily word count.

I've been tallying 1,667+ words almost every day. On Friday, I was only able to get in 900-some words because I had work and then had a birthday dinner to prepare. (It was a fantastic night and I don't regret not making my word count. Don't let writing rule your life and relationships!) But I made up for that yesterday and am pretty satisfied with what I'm doing in my story. It's kind of a mess when I think about it overall, but the point of NaNoWriMo for me is not to look back and to keep going. Material is better than a blank page!

I haven't hit the wall yet and I haven't gone crazy yet. Yay, success!

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