Pale pink silk, white sash draped loosely around the waist, it was girly and flirty and romantic. I was just passing by to the jeans section, but my eyes got caught and suddenly I was frozen as my mind whirled with possibilities. I could dress it up with a blazer and heels. I could dress it down with black tights and flats. I could accessorize it with that gold necklace I never found to match anything. Oh my god, that sash is removable? The dress seduced me before I could even think.
I had to tread carefully. You can't just buy a dress like that! You had to be careful, try it on, touch and feel it before it will commit to you. I brought it to the dressing room and zipped it up. The mirror smiled at me as the dress accentuated my legs and hid my hips. Perfect. Beautiful. I adore you.
I twirled around in the room for a while before finally switching back to my clothes. It was settled, of course. I brought the pink beauty to the register and took out my wallet.
"One hundred and sixty three dollars, thirty nine cents, please," the lady behind the till smiled.
My face reddened with shame as I could hear a trill of laughter. What a tease.